Our  Giving Declaration

I am a Tither and I'm not ashamed to say it.  I believe in giving to God first.  Today, my tithe and offering is on assignment.  My giving, will rebuke the devourer for my sake.  Satan, the Lord rebuke you.  Angels, the Lord release you.

I shall walk in prosperity.  I shall live in overflow.  Favor is chasing me down.  Bills will be paid on time, and I'll still have more than enough.  Increase shall be my portion.  it shall be BIG! No more foreclosures.  No more evictions.  No more repossessions. No more overdrafts.  I will experience abundance.  I will walk in the blessings of the Lord.

I will buy it.  I will own it.  I will acquire it.  I will secure it.  It's going to happen and I'm going to live to see it!

BUT FIRST...I GIVE TO GOD.  I agree with God!